Desktop and networking: computerTech
Desktop and networking: techMark Consulting
Multimedia: PC NIMBUS
ASP.Net Has a good set of discussion forums
Allen Browne's Database and Training. Allen is a Microsoft MVP. Also see his list of reasons not to use the Name AutoCorrect option.
FMS has a large set of commercial Microsoft Access and VB tools.
Headway tools for Access development.
Roger's Access Library has a great sample library.
Ryan and Roy wrote a description of how to implement Microsoft Access security.
SpeedFerret global search and replacement tool.
The Access Web has a large database of tips and tools.
Tony's Main Access Page.
Trigeminal Software, Inc. has some good tools.
VBE6.DLL. If you've installed any Office 2002 products and an Office 2000 doesn't copy or import objects anymore, go back to the 2000 version of VBE6.DLL.
L-Soft Discussion group
Totalshareware - VB controls and tools
The Windows API Guide for Windows API functions.