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Rogers Pass & Hwy 93 N backcountry ski trip with Rocky Mountain Ramblers VideoCarol GuthrieB.C.2019/01122298Rogers Pass & Hwy 93 N backcountry ski trip with Rocky Mountain Ramblers.
Ramblers Dave Henry Skiing VideoCarol GuthrieB.C.2018/032240138A Rocky Mountain Ramblers ski trip into Dave Henry Lodge in the Caribou Range outside of Valemont, B.C.
Whistler VideoCarol GuthrieB.C.2013/0114731010Whistler skiing.
Crowfoot Pass 2012 VideoRoy ScarisbrickAlberta2012/0447098Crowfoot Pass 2012
Rossland Skiing VideoCarol GuthrieB.C.2010/125114138Skiing at Red Mountain.
Paradise Valley 2010 VideoCarol GuthrieAlberta2010/0286099A beautiful skinny-ski day trip up Paradise Valley in Lake Louise. An 8 minute video.
Sol Mountain 2010 VideoCarol GuthrieB.C.2010/0221113148Thrills and chills. 21 minutes of cool helicoptering, telemarking, and AT skiing.
Amiskwi Lodge VideoCarol GuthrieB.C.2009/02207199Norseman Ski Club at Amiskwi Lodge.
Chickadee Valley VideoCarol GuthrieB.C.2009/0155788Five minutes with the Norseman Ski Club at Chickadee Valley.
Ice Fall Lodge VideoRoy ScarisbrickB.C.2008/122251108A week's skiing at Icefall Lodge.
Norseman Presidents Day PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta2008/03 3488A few pics.
Monashee Chalet PicturesCarol GuthrieB.C.2007/02 4498A few pics.
Sol Mountain 2006 VideoCarol GuthrieB.C.2006/121268168Great powder days at Sol Mountain Lodge. Mostly AT skiing - not much tele.
Mount Assiniboine 2006 PicturesCarol GuthrieB.C.2006/03 5298Beautiful touring and telemarking in Mt. Assiniboine B.C. Provincial Park.
Dolomite Circuit VideoCarol GuthrieAlberta2006/03825118A sunny day around the Circuit. Nice telemarking. Sue Foley all the way.
Mount Assiniboine 2006 VideoCarol GuthrieB.C.2006/03173498Beautiful touring and telemarking in Mt. Assiniboine B.C. Provincial Park. 17 minutes on a Canon tape.
Chickadee Valley 2006 PicturesCarol GuthrieB.C.2006/02 3988A few pics.
Crowfoot Pass PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta2006/01 3288A few pics.
Sunshine Weekend 2006 VideoRoy ScarisbrickAlberta2006/01833138("Diamond Sun") Touring and beautiful telemarking from Sunshine Village. What a party (-ouch). Some footage from 2005. 8 minutes with Glass Tiger.
Norseman Ski Trips PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta / B.C.2006 / 2007 2788Pictures from three Norseman trips over the 2006 / 2007 winter.
Boxing Day 2005 PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta2005/12 2088A few pics.
Crowfoot Pass & Dolomite Pass PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta2005/03 2288A few pics.
French - Robertson VideoRoy ScarisbrickAlberta2005/0393988There probably aren't many movies about the French - Robertson loop - certainly not as fuzzy as this one, with Led Zepp and AC/DC. Catch the world's biggest wind scoop and all those K-Country peaks.
Sunshine Weekend 2005 PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta2005/01 1988A few pics.
Norseman New Members VideoCarol GuthrieAlberta2004/1251698Five-minute bus tour. Larry makes us late.
Bow Hut 2004 PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta2004/04 3188A few pics.
Campbell Icefield PicturesCarol GuthrieB.C.2004/03 3588Four pages of our first week at Campbell.
Campbell Icefield VideoCarol GuthrieB.C.2004/033340108Our first full production. A full-length detailed journal of a Norseman ski week. There's some deep, dry telemarking and paralleling going on here.
Paradise Valley 2004 PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta2004/01 1888A few pics.
Golden New Years PicturesCarol GuthrieB.C.2003/12 1688A few pics.
Trywhitt - Whiskey Jack PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta2003/12 1688A few pics.
Bow Hut 2003 PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta2003/04 3288A few pics.
Mount Assiniboine 2003 PicturesCarol GuthrieB.C.2003/03 2588A few pics.
Norseman Lake Louise PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta2003/02 1988A few pics.
Avalanche Awareness Training PicturesCarol GuthrieAlberta2003/01 2588A few pics.
Rogers Pass PicturesCarol GuthrieB.C.2003/01 4388A few pics.