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The Norseman ski club went to Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park in B.C. from March 19 to 23, 2003.


Day 3 Destination - The Nublet


Always gotta have a coffee meeting first thing. Thanks to Brian for serving everyone coffee in bed each morning.

I think this boy has had too much coffee already!



The boys are waxing up and getting ready to head out.


Brian depositing the water bags in their nests.

Carol looking for a little sympathy.


After climbing up through the trees we regrouped before heading up to the Nublet.

Visibility wasn't always the best but we got 3 or 4 runs on the Nublet before venturing on to other destinations
Liz on the Nublet.


Yup, that boy definitely had too much coffee in the morning. But he's a  real mountain man.
Who does his hair?


While Mountain Man was stripping, the rest of us bundled up and hunkered down to eat our lunch. The wind was really howling that day. Half the group headed on in search of new terrain while some went back to ski the Nublet again.


Back at the hut and Barb's back in her roost.

Lizzie's in the kitchen with... Hey, where's Dina?

Day 4 Destination - Lizzie's cabin and beyond

The gang at Lizzie Rummel's cabin.


This is the mountain that Franz Dopf achieved first ascent of.


Cruising along the edge of the lake.



Putting the Quickie Shelter to use in a brief sleet-storm.

We did manage to find a few places to make some turns on the way down the valley. But we found some even greater terrain for turns while on the up track. In fact it was so good it was worth doing twice.

On the first run down I got a few short clips of Barb, Larry and Karen.

But it was Roy who provided the comic relief on the 2nd run. Here's Roy diving and Roy ducking. One of our trick skiers, that man is. I tried real hard to leave some untracked slopes for him to ski, but as it turned out, they were all sun crusted.

Barb preparing appies on the final night.

Carol flying into Mt.Shark.


A mouse set up home in our glove compartment while we were away. Fur lined and everything.

Carol flew back to Mount Shark because of shin problems, and the rest skied the full 25 kilometers out to Mt. Shark. We were lucky that we had a great dump of snow the night before heading out so the icy track out was all covered with fresh snow. 

Carol took advantage of all the new snow and skied with some of the other Norseman while waiting for the helicopter. Here's a short clip of Peter Allan. Too bad I hadn't caught him on video just prior to this shot. He pulled off about eight perfect tele-turns. We expect to see him and a few others on the tele-trips next season.


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Credits: Photography and artistic design: Carol Guthrie.

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